‘INTELLECTUAL TERRORISM’ by Vivek Agnihotri at Bhartiya Vichar Manch, Surat.


Left wing v/s Right wing; Globalization v/s Nationalization; Culturism v/s Globalism whom are we fighting with? What is deteriorating the culture, literature, art and heritage of India? What is INTELLECTUAL TERRORISM? Awaken your soul and discover your Indian roots with Vivek Agnihotri.

Are we becoming the puppets of Artificial Intelligence? Who is ruling our mind? Are we getting COLONIZED again? In the name of philanthropy are NGO’s slow poisoning the foundation of India. Is the peaceful religion of corporatization a Diabetic syndrome? Retrieve the real Indian, hidden underneath the layers of westernization; as Vivek Agnihotri unravel the ecosystem of INTELLECTUAL TERRORISTS and their Mind Games!

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