2.5 Months, 11 weeks, 70 days and still running! “The Tashkent Files” emerges as “The People’s Film”!


Where most of the Bollywood movies quit their run from the theaters in a week or two; Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” runs houseful of cine-goers on its 11th week. The film being ‘Sleeper Hit’ of the year, emerged as the “People’s Film”, raking foot-steps by word of mouth.

The film now a case-study at IIM Ahmedabad, was invited for special screening by Rashtrapati Bhavan, Headquarters of RSS organization, National Sports Club of India; being admired nationally and internationally by all age-groups, mostly the youth of India.

Despite of extremely limited screenings in theaters, and release of the Hollywood and Bollywood biggies, the film survived for 11 weeks, with all shows running at houseful capacity and continues its run in the theaters. Neither hype marketing nor star studded promotions; Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” emerged as “The People’s Film” with the word of mouth, breaking stereo-types; proving that #TheRightToTruth is in India’s DNA.

The second PM of India, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri died in Tashkent, in hours after signing the Tashkent agreement. His body turned blue and swollen bleeding from cuts. Clouds of suspicions hinted signs of murder rather than a heart-attack. Was it STATE, DYNASTY or POLITICS? WHO KILLED SHASTRI? His story was erased from history like his death a mystery

“70 days. 11th week. 2.5 months. From #Kalank to #KabirSingh From elections to IPL to #WorldCup2019 And still running. #RightToTruth #TheTashkentFiles – a people’s film.”-says the film maker. Discover your #RightToTruth with Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” streaming in theaters near you.

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