Watch EP 22 – Bharat Ki Baat with Pallavi Joshi Prosperous in Cultural Heritage, North-East is the Ashtalaxmi of India!


Bliss of ‘Brahmaputra’, cleanest river ‘Dawki’, world’s only ‘Root Bridge’, ‘Loktak’ floating Lake, longest bridge ‘Bogibeel’, cleanest village ‘Mawlynnong’; North East is the Ashatalaxmi of India!

North East India have a rich Heritage of Culture, Beauty, Literature and Art. From freedom fighters to Indian Army and Athletes, the contribution of North-East have been incredible. 70% of world orchid production with 825 Orchid novelties; richest aquatic life; highest literacy rates and India’s only organic farming state Sikkim; North-East proves to be the Ashtalaxmi of India. And as said “If it is Tourism, it is North East India”.

The development of North-East India was snubbed by former Governments all these years. Fake narratives of Naxalism and Maoism were wide-spread. Not even interstate connectivity persisted. But Prime Minister Narendra Modi, greatly influenced the cultural Heritage and tourism of North East, by paying frequent visits. Connecting North East to India by developing air, rail and road transportation, he honored North-East as Ashtalaxmi of India. He inaugurated the ‘Bogibeel Bridge’ of Assam, the longest bridge of India. His actions have influenced North East India at Grass root level.

“In Ramayana, Hanumanji lifted the Sanjeevani mountain from North-east; in Mahabharata, Arjuna married a Manipuri princess Chittrangadha; Vashishtha Rishi’s ashram is located here.  Indian Mythology is deeply connected to North-east. People here are grounded to their culture and are pure at heart. They invite people with open arms, enrolling them in their cultural values” says Munish Singh, the Director of ICCR Shillong.

South-East Asia is looking forward to North-east India as a Gateway. Whole system including state government, central government and citizen, are urging for development of North-East by complete digitalization and overall connectivity. North-East is the Heritage of India connected to the Hearts of Indians.

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