With 5M+ Views, Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” Trailer creates a Horripilation


Where Vivek Agnihotri’s “the Tashkent Files” slated to release on 12th April, promises to unravel secrets behind the Mysterious Death of former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri; The Trailer creates an Intense Wave of Curiosity and Cognizance in Fans.

At the Trailer Launch, “The Tashkent Files” cast had a one-to one conversation with Media. The film Director and Producer, when asked for intentionally coinciding the film release date with political fervor, he answered, “Yes, that’s why we decided to release the film now. Is it a crime? I’m being honest when I say this because the current mood of the public is connected to this issue. We want the film to be watched by as many Indians as possible.”

He added, “After this ‘Kalank’ will release, then you would watch the song-and-dance. When it’s the time to romance in the monsoons, go and watch Karan Johar’s films. As of now, you watch a film on Lal Bahadur Shastri. Only one party will benefit from this film, ‘India wing’ – neither Right wing nor Left wing,”

At the Trailer Launch, “The Tashkent Files” cast had a one-to one conversation with Media. The film Director and Producer, when asked for intentionally coinciding the film release date with political fervor, he answered, “Yes, that’s why we decided to release the film now. Is it a crime? I’m being honest when I say this because the current mood of the public is connected to this issue. We want the film to be watched by as many Indians as possible.”

He added, “After this ‘Kalank’ will release, then you would watch the song-and-dance. When it’s the time to romance in the monsoons, go and watch Karan Johar’s films. As of now, you watch a film on Lal Bahadur Shastri. Only one party will benefit from this film, ‘India wing’ – neither Right wing nor Left wing,”

Pallavi Joshi and Shweta Basu joined Vivek to the Trailer Launch. Accompanying them were the members from Shastri family; Shastriji’s son Sunil Shastri and his maternal grandson Sanjay Nath Singh.

On asking Sunil Shastri about his father, he said, he was 15years old when Shastri passed away. He believes his father was ‘killed’ and his death was not a natural one. He claimed, “YB Chavan, then acting defense minister stated a white-lie about Shastriji’s death in the Parliament” On asking, whether the Congress Party betrayed his father, or he wants to pass them a message via Media, He chose not to answer.

Sanjay Nath Singh echoed his sentiment, saying that it was strange why there was no record regarding Shastriji’s death and why was an autopsy not ordered by the government. He added “it would be difficult to point the needle of suspicion even today whether it’s a dynast or a political party”. “I’m an apolitical person belonging to a political party. There might be dots, which refer to it, they are unconnected dots, and with these unconnected dots, you can’t come to a conclusion.” “And what I feel is, we should search only for the truth, which will come out with the declassification of files. That’s the demand that we will have to make. With the film, everything will come into public domain. Once that happens, then we can pin-point who did it,” Singh said.

The Film slated to release before the upcoming Loksabha elections on April 12th . Not only will this movie provide an insight to the public, but will also be a major source of embarrassment for Congress party in the run-up to the polls.

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