Watch EP 14 – ‘The Nine Pillars of Digital India’, in ‘Bharat Ki Baat’ with Pallavi Joshi


‘Digital India’ an Indian Government initiative, with the motto “Power to Empower”, intents to: develop secure and stable digital infrastructure; deliver government services digitally and universal digital literacy.

A tour to Digital India, with Pallavi Joshi in ‘Bharat ki Baat’

Nine Pillars of Digital India are:

  1. Broadband Highways
  2. Public Internet Access programs
  3. Information for everyone
  4. Early harvest Programs
  5. Universal Access to Phones
  6. Information Technology for jobs
  7. E-Kranti, electronics delivery of services
  8. E-Governance, reforming Government through Technology
  9. Electronics Manufacturing, the Target of ‘Net Zero Import’.

‘Digital India’, stands on its motto ‘The power to Empower’ by Digitally empowering rural areas. Awareness of Mobile and Internet usage proves life changing for women in Baksa District of Assam. 100% computer literacy in Nungthaang Tampak, a small village of Manipur.

India goes ‘Cashless’ through: Online transactions via numerous Mobile Applications; Facilities provided by Digitize Indian Postal Services. Also the Linking of Aadhar Card (the Digital Identity of each Indian citizen), helps in easy access of Digital Banking, Digital Lockers, Digital payments, E-sign.

“Our ancestors were Snake Charmers, our youth are the Mouse Charmers; when we move the Mouse, the whole World moves”, words of wisdom by Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Mouse Charmers are the new breed of Entrepreneurs. The Empowered Game changers of the Powered India.

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