Vivek Agnihotri unveil the ‘Urban Naxals and Fake Narratives’ at Indoi Analytics Conclave, Delhi


‘Urban Naxals’ are the parasites feeding on the fund of Communist and Terror money; linked to red corridor; directly or indirectly involved in generating Fake Narratives, exposing Fault lines and shattering the prominence of India.

There are four Pillars of Democracy: Judiciary, Politics, Watchdog and Narrative Builders. Judiciary and Politics run the Democracy at front end. Watchdogs, the Journalists telecast newsfeeds from each and every corner of India. The 4th Pillar, Social Media, Build the Narratives, show-caste it in the mainstream, generating public awareness and exposing the rivals.

Urban Naxals directly attack working of the democratic segment, by capturing Labors, Academics and the legal front end. They brain wash them by creating Fake Narratives of government Fault-lines, resulting to Civil War.

Urban Naxals are not the people who rebel Indian Government. Neither are they illiterate nor they belong to Tribal Backward class. Urban Naxals are the disguised socialists, hindering the development of India. These are well Educated people, communicating in English, with the knowledge of operating Drones, using satellites and well trained in mapping areas.

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