India First EP 09 – ‘Amnesty International, Rival Disguised as Ally!’ – with Vivek Agnihotri.


Shadowing Terrorism, Baptism and Naxalism, this London based NGO aims to compromise Indian Security. Disguised with the mask to safeguard Human Rights, this Foreign Funded NGO criticize India as: Uncivilized, Uncultured, Barbaric and Totalitarian.

Under the leadership of Journalist Aakar Patel, Amnesty International creates a Havoc, questioning Tolerance and Democracy of India.

When the FCRA License for NGO operation was prohibited by Indian Government, The Amnesty International Violated Government laws by By-passing FCRA and commencing ’Amnesty International Pvt. Ltd.’. NGO’s are not permitted to pursue commercial activities in India.

UPA government provided Refuge to Illegal and Criminal acts of such NGO. Whereas NDA Government Enforced them to strict closure by sending legal Closure Notices.

A Recent Campaign of Amnesty University, was carried out in Pure Urdu Language. Why So? How is a 20 Crore Population identified as Minority? Does this NGO really aim to safeguard Human Rights or sway Riots in the name of Rights?

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