“People like Vivek Agnihotri are really rare, who stick their neck out and fight for Dharma” – Rajiv Malhotra


Vivek Agnihotri, the famous filmmaker & renowned author, was invited in the World Hindu Congress, Chicago, USA recently and there he met Rajiv Malhotra, an Indian American author and a public intellectual.

When two wise men meets they converse on so many sensitive things and the same happened when Vivek & Rajiv met. This conversation was recorded at the recent World Hindu Congress in Chicago. It was mainly based on the individuals in India using Journalism as a big leaf to hide anti-national activities. Both of them shared recent encounters and they agreed to work together for a prolonged counter movement. Watch here there full conversation

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNj2JHciIPk” /]

Rajiv asked Vivek about the struggle and hardships he might have faced because of his movement of spreading awakening about Naxalism. Vivek shared one incident where he was attempted taking an interview regarding his film (in fact a critic interview) by a well known media personality who actually didn’t see his film. Vivek somehow, with his wisdom & presence of mind, dealt with that situation. Rajiv also intervened here and supported what Vivek has done; he said if he ever comes across such critics who are agenda driven people, he insists to record the entire conversation to make it a transparent, justified and rationale one. Vivek & Rajiv both talked about the trust factor and credibility of such people where they both agreed that certain people may have the malicious agenda and being a public intellectual, one has to be very cautious while conversing with such people. That media personality manipulated what Vivek has said in the interview and edited the video in a manner that it can be commercially exploited to raise the money.

Rajiv also shared his experience here about the Kerala flood matter; being a public intellectual he has tweeted for having the discretion while donating the money to Kerala flood victims. His intention was to bring transparency that whoever is transparent enough about the utilization of the fund, they should be donated and others not; but his tweet also was distorted by the media and wrongly interpreted.

During their conversation Rajiv said, “People like Vivek Agnihotri are really rare, who stick their neck out and fight for Dharma”. Why did Rajiv say this? To know more watch out their full conversation on various other interesting narratives.

To explore more About Vivek Agnihotri you can visit his Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek_Agnihotri  or you can stay connected with  #IAmBuddha page – https://iambuddha.net/ where you can read so many such latest articles, newsfeed & blogs.

Moreover, to know more about Vivek’s creative contributions, you can read his wonderful book, #UrbanNaxals & his sensational movie Buddha in a Traffic Jam. To know more about the book #UrbanNaxals and to get your copy, click on this link – http://amzn.in/9Rqrsa9


You can find the full movie Buddha in a traffic jam here which he has made to throw light on sensitive issue like #UrbanNaxals- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EkVrodb_GE

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