#UrbanNaxals & Vivek Agnihotri in Gujarati Newspaper


Romila Thapar is the distinguished name in the Indian intellectuals. She has been proclaimed as one of the so called illustrious historian. Romila belongs to New Delhi and has been in the lime light for many reasons. Romila is considered a leading historian because of her contributions, however some critics calls her destorian rather than a historian.

Romila has again come in the lime light for the different reason. Few days back Maharashtra police arrested some people under the conspiracy of assassination of our Prime Minister Mr. Modi. Varavara Rao, Arun Ferreira, Varnan Gonsalvies, Sudha Bhardwaj, Gautam Navlakha, etc some people identified as prime suspects. Unlike other naxals who usually tends to go to jungles and use guns to spread terror, these people used to live in society among normal people and used to organize various campaigns to help maoist and naxals. The prosecution has started however there are many such intellectuals who have come to save them. This entire affair is in the court and at the same time Romila asks several journalists – “who are these #UrbanNaxals”?

urban naxals and vivek agnihotri at gujarati newspaper

This entire thing was covered in a Gujarati daily – Divya Bhaskar as depicted above. In accordance to what Romila has asked, the famous film maker, brave author and newest author Mr. Vivek Agnihotri has the answer of her question, in a form of his best seller title #UrbanNaxals. In this book Vivek Agnihotri has written about the UrbanNaxals in depth, based on his research and intense ground work, he has come out with unbelievable narratives.

Vivek Agnihotri has also made the movie on the same theme “Buddha in a Traffic Jam” which also talked on the sensitive issue of biggest internal security threat.

To explore more About Vivek Agnihotri you can visit his Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivek_Agnihotri  or you can stay connected with  #IAmBuddha page – https://iambuddha.net/ where you can read so many such latest articles & blogs.

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