RAFALE Deal – What is it? – Pallavi Joshi makes it simple. #EasyHai!


Everybody is talking about the Rafale Deal these days; those who don’t know even the spelling of Rafale or what Rafale means, are also expressing their opinions on the deal. As per famous Sanskrit proverb, टुंडे टुंडे मतिर्भिन्ना, everybody speaks on Rafale as per their maturity & knowledge – may be some with facts & figures and some without them. As per the NDTV website’s latest updates on Rafale Deal – “In September 2016, India signed an inter-governmental agreement with France, dubbed as “Rafale deal”, in which India bought 36 off-the-shelf Dassault Rafale twin-engine fighters for a price estimated to be Rs. 58,000 crore or 7.8 billion Euros.”

On this issue, veteran actress, national award winner and a brave orator Ms. Pallavi Joshi explains the Ins & Outs of the Rafale Deal in so effective and easiest manner. When Pallavi came to know about the Rafale Deal controversy, she very beautifully strapped that issue with a hypothetical example; let’s cherish it in her own words.

“During our society AGM, members asked about the Rafale deal. Here I recalled an incident from past – our old secretary was in negotiations with some French company to upgrade the locks of our entire building. These locks were to be password protected. But for the last 10 years he’s only been talking about it without taking any proactive steps. When I took over as new secretary, I looked into this matter; I was surprised to know that previous secretary had planned to buy only the locks; but that’s pointless until you have the complete surveillance system with the video door phone and that works.   Moreover these advanced technology locks, will undeniably need maintenance & technological up gradation.

When I calculated this cumulative cost, it was exceeding Rs 10,000; so I approached the top most official of that French company and surprisingly I came to know that they had no legit contract with our society. In fact there was nothing was on paper. Moreover the kind of locks which the ex-secretary was claiming cost 5000, I got the same for Rs. 4000. Now I decided to, renegotiate the entire deal with condition that some parts of the lock will be made in India. For maintenance & repairs we can’t be running overseas every time.  This entire deal was finalized in Rs. 7000 only; 3000 lesser than the estimated cost.

This is Rafale deal. On one hand we got the fighter planes at a cheaper cost and on the other hand we got long range missiles too which can be launched from anywhere in India. Moreover many parts of the plane will be manufactured in the India; And above all this, the most important thing is, that India has saved more than Rs. 12, 5000 crores through this deal.”

At the end, Ms. Pallavi Joshi puts the icing on the cake by sarcastically quoting the previous secretary who returned from his overseas vacation & kept asking senseless questions; she humbly responded, “Sir, you please take care of your potato factory & leave the social security to us. Easy Hai Na?”

हे ना समझना??

So be a true Indian; know the facts & figures and support real leaders of India. Don’t be carried away with rumors or incitement.

Watch #EasyHai about GST.

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