#UrbanNaxals encounters big heads and political celebrities in Chennai


#UrbanNaxals – the fastest becoming best seller book, a master piece and a sensational narrative is again in lime light. Recently, Karnataka CM Mr. HD Kumaraswamy held a meeting with India’s 2nd most powerful woman entrepreneur Kiran Mazumdar Shaw along with Founder member of Infosys -TV Mohandas Pai, CEO Revathy Ashok & members RK Mishra. The amazing thing was that the sensational book – #UrbanNaxals was spotted there on their table and they were found discussing on that. The distinguished media organization ANI also tweeted on this on social media –

“Karnataka CM HD Kumaraswamy held a meeting with Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) President Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Vice President TV Mohandas Pai, CEO Revathy Ashok & members RK Mishra and Ananda Gundurao and sought information about ongoing projects under the Committee”

#UrbanNaxals in Chennai

#UrbanNaxals in Chennai

At the same time, other renowned digital media house CNBC – Awaaz tweeted about the conspiracy of India’s PM Narendra Modi on social media – #TakkarOnAwaaz| अर्बन नक्सलिज्म देश के सामने सबसे बड़ा खतरा है, जेएनयू और हैदराबाद में जो हुआ उसे जोड़ने की जरूरत है। नक्सल करोड़ों रुपए वसूल करते हैं और शहरों में भेजते हैं। इनका मकसद 2025 तक सशस्त्र क्रांति करके भारतीय राज्य को खत्म करना है: विवेक अग्निहोत्री, फिल्म निर्माता

To watch the author of #UrbanNaxals, eminent film maker & brave orator sharing his views on this conspiracy of PM Narendra Modi’s assassination at –


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