Rajdeep Sardesai, the well-known Journalist dissuades Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files”, calling it a “Political Propaganda”. ‘The Prime Time News Show’ or ‘The Prime Time Politically Biased Show’?

Where Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” is all set to release on 12th of April, News Host Rajdeep Sardesai, in an encounter with Vivek Anand Oberoi, for his upcoming film PM Narendra Modi, hinted that, in a political line-up of films, “The Tashkent Files” might be Vivek Agnihotri’s ‘Political Propaganda’!
Vivek Agnihotri Slammed Rajdeep Sardesai, accusing him for Declaring a Verdict without exploring all possibilities. His tweet on Social Media read, “Friends, someone sent me the attached clip from Rajdeep Sardesai’s show. Since Rajdeep Sardesai has blocked me, I have no other way to communicate to him. Can someone send my note to him? I am sure he will be fair.”
He added, “In your prime show, you implicated that my upcoming film The Tashkent Files on Lal Bahadur Shastri’s death is made to accuse Congress leadership. Have you seen the film? If no, how do you know that? Shouldn’t this be considered propaganda against my film because you are politically prejudiced against me? If not, are you then trying to say that Congress indeed is guilty?”
Agnihotri dared Sardesai to invite him to his show for a one-on-one debate. “Since you haven’t seen the film, you obviously don’t know the facts. Is it okay to assume that you are trying to create a narrative before facts? You may hate me personally, but don’t you think that ‘fair journalism’ demands that you talk to me one-on-one in your show? If you don’t, is it right for me to assume that you chose the prejudiced political agenda before ‘fair journalism’?”
“It is a clear case of prejudging a movie and being prejudiced. Since Rajdeep is a leading journalist of India, he should be fair. The Tashkent Files is a story where all possibilities around the death of Shastriji is being explored. One of the characters actually strongly rejects any conspiracy or murder angle. This is evident in the movie trailer itself,” he added.
The Fuming Director then added, “Ironically, this is what a journalist should be doing – exploring all possibilities, and not declaring a verdict that a movie is propaganda!”
“If Rajdeep indeed wanted to link movies and elections, he should actually talk about movies that portrayed the army in a negative light, especially in Kashmir. Congress has promised to dilute AFSPA in its manifesto, they have almost accused the Indian Army of being rapists. Earlier as a member of the censor board, you know the story on how I asked a filmmaker for credible proofs when he also wanted to show Indian Army indulging in atrocities. I wonder if Rajdeep will ever call such movies propaganda,” Vivek said.
This in not for the first time when Rajdeep Sardesai, is caught off guard. Only recently, Rajdeep twisted Prime Minister Modi’s statement about Rahul Gandhi fighting from Hindu-minority Wayanad. When pointed out, he offered no explanation for his malicious reporting. Earlier, he muddled up the meaning of ‘Benami property’ in order to exonerate the Gandhi son-in-law Robert Vadra. This proves that Journalism for Rajdeep Sardesai is a Political Agenda with Bias Verdicts!