Yes India must be called Bharat again. There must not be any doubts and confusion regarding this.
Please Notice the map of India shown here at this link :
Of course India should be called Bharat again. In literal sense Bharat earns its name from Bha which means light emitting or Prabha which means light. Bharat obviously is the one which gave light of Asia that is Buddha to the world. My motherland has entire right to be called Bharat vested in herself.
Bhachpan se jab bhi humare desh ki baat suni hai hamesa usko Bharat ke naam se hi jana hai . aaj bhi hum bachoon ko jab apne desh ka parichay peheli baar dete hain tab bhi hum is desh ka naam Bharat hi batate hain. hain na ? Mujhe is baat ka garv hai ki itne kathin itihass ke bavajood aaj bhi hum apne desh ka naam nahi bhoole hain. Hum ko humare desh ko India nahi Bharat hi bulana chahiye taaki baaki duniya bhi hume “Bharatiya” bulake sambodhit kare.
aticle 1 of the constitution begins with India that is Bharath , so where is the controversy , we just need to stop fighting shy and cease to give up to some highbrow lutyens, urban naxal and mumbai PR agency types . lets go for it . w should use Bharath in all our conversations to begin with . if someone says India , we should interrupt and say . you mean Bharath?
Yes, we should start calling India Bharat. Once we hear the name everywhere it starts questioning the minds of our children and youth and there will be a discussion on why we should start using the word Bharat and it takes them back to the values upheld by this civilization. While I am with you on this, there are several burning issues in the country that need to be addressed on a war footing. The issue of lack of awareness of our history and culture among children and youth is a major problem and the only way to solve this problem is to correct the contents in the history books from elementary schools till universities. We badly need individuals with full awareness of wounds and scars of our past combined with most scientific thinking, excellent communication skills and finally sheer determination to stand for what is correct, like RSS. Such people can take Bharat to golden age.
Every name has a history. If that history represents the slavery, that should be thrashed and we should have original identity. “BHARAT” has a history which represents the true essence of our civilisation. There are many version for naming our nation “Bharat”, all the version glorifies our great civilisation, whereas “India” has only one version -the name given by some outsider to remind our slavery……i Strongly believe and fully support the original name of our nation-“Bharat”
प्रणाम! मैं सीधे निष्कर्ष नहीं ले सकता। लेकिन हमे दोनों शब्द के भाव की तुलना अवश्य करनी चाहिए। यह सच हैं कि पिछले कुछ दशको से हमारे देश को इंडिया नाम दिया गया हैं। कई लोग कहते हैं कि इसका नाम इंडस नदी के कारण पड़ा जो सिंधु नदी का अँग्रेजी नाम हैं। हमे यह समझने की आवश्यकता हैं कि सिंधु नदी को इंडस ही क्यूँ बोला गया? क्या यह दोनों के भावार्थ एक ही हैं? क्या सिंधु का मतलब भी इंडस ही होता हैं? ठीक उसी प्रकार हमे यह समझना होगा कि क्या भारत का भावार्थ इंडिया होता हैं? हमारी संस्कृति रही हैं कि किसी बालक का नामकरण बहुत से योग, धार्मिक परम्पराओ और समय की स्थिति अनुसार किया जाता रहा हैं। और यदि मैं अपनी विचार रखु तो मेरा मानना हैं कि नाम के अर्थ का प्रभाव मनुष्य के विचारो, संवेदनाओ, और आदतों पर कुछ हद तक पड़ता हैं। उदाहरण के लिए मेरा नाम पुनीत हैं जिसका अर्थ होता हैं शुभ मुहूर्त या यूं कहु जो दूसरों के लिए शुभ हो। जब तक मैंने अपने जीवन मे इस नाम का अर्थ नहीं जाना था तब की बात तो मैं नहीं बता सकता लेकिन जब इसका बोध हुआ उसके बाद मेरी आदतों मे काफी बदलाव आए। मैं यदि कभी कुछ गलत करता हु तो मेरा नाम मुझे एक बार जरूर यह आवाज देता हैं कि यह गलत हैं। और कई बार जब मैं कुछ ऐसे लोगो के पास कार्य करने जाता हूँ जिनके साथ कुछ अच्छा नहीं हो रहा होता हैं तो वहाँ मेरे जाने के बाद कई बार बेहतर परिणाम दिख जाते हैं। उस समय भी मुझे अपना नाम का प्रभाव कुछ हद तक दिखता हैं। हाँ मैं नहीं जनता कि यह क्या सभी के साथ होता हैं या सिर्फ मेरे साथ ही। लेकिन मुझे लगता हैं कि किसी का नाम ऐसा होना चाहिए जिसका भाव अच्छा हो या सच मे उसका कुछ मतलब हो। जहा तक मैं जनता हूँ भारत शब्द (भा)भाव यानि विचार, (रा) राग यानि प्रवाह और (ता) ताल यानि अपने विचार और मन के प्रवाह को नियंत्रित रूप से बजाने की क्रिया जो कई रूप मे हो सकती हैं; से मिलकर बना हैं। इसको यदि सारांश रूप मे समझे तो भारत यानि जहा आप अपने भाव को अपने तरीके से नियंत्रित करके स्वतंत्र रूप से प्रवाहित कर सकते हो उस जगह को कहा गया हैं। कितना अच्छा और पूर्ण भावार्थ हैं भारत शब्द का। यह हमारी परंपरा, सभ्यता, और विचारो के अनुरूप लगता हैं। एक जुड़ाव सा महसूस होता हैं भारत शब्द को सुनकर। क्या इंडिया भी हमे वही भाव देता हैं? यदि नहीं तो क्या भाव देता हैं? इंडस शब्द भी हमे उस भाव से नहीं जोड़ पाता जो सिंधु शब्द हमे दे पाता हैं। इंडिया शब्द को समझने के बाद ही हम किसी निष्कर्ष तक पहुँच पाएंगे। अभी तक जितना मुझे ज्ञान हैं, समझ हैं उसके अनुसार तो मुझे भारत शब्द से प्रेम हैं। इंडिया शब्द मुझपर बेगाना होने का बोध कराता हैं। आप सभी किस तरह इंडिया शब्द को देखते हैं अपने भाव जरूर बताएं। धन्यवाद।
I have slightest doubt in my mind that our country should be known as Bharat. In fact I had been propagating and insisting from last many years within my groups to say Jai Bharat and always say I’m Bhartiya while introducing to foreigners. I always do and then I need to explain but once done they really appreciate as well. In fact I always share any or every thing which make us proud of our glorious culture, heritage and history.
Hi Sir,
As per the constitution of India Article 1 “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.”, India is already called Bharat. But globally people still recognize us as Indians and not as Bhartiya. To make people aware that our countries ancient name is Bharat we need to start adding Bhartiya as our Nationality wherever possible whether it’s our Resume, Instagram, or Facebook bio, and also can file a PIL for adding nationality on the passports as Indian (Bhartiya).
Legally Our countries name is already Bharat but somewhere we are not using it to the best so that people from other countries start recognizing it.
bharat is right as the name is our own and how we knew ourselves . India is an imposition . but it may take some time and effort as many people are ashamed of belonging of this country because of its subjugation over a millennium, may be a case of transgenerational trauma. we need to understand that perception creates reality and then understand how we look at ourselves determines who we are and who we become. all thoughts are self reinforcing and hence we need a narrative that guides our thoughts in a beneficial stream. my tuppence worth with a couple of slogans are here:
1.Everyone says ,no one but us
Hindutva says everyone AND us
2.Sab kehte hai hum sabse ooncha
Hindu kehte hai hum sab ke saath ooncha
Sir definitely we have to call our country BHARAT even Discovery Channel in Hindi also called our country Bharat So why can’t say. Also sir I want to discuss about 1st Genocide of Bharat, I think this is the first Genocide of Bharat, this is 1921 Genocide in kerala’s Malabar area, Which is done by Mopla Muslims, I think you have also make a film on this Genocide. Maximum Bhartiya don’t know about this.
One of my American co-passenger while going to US, while we were discussing, told me that why it took so long to change name of Bombay to it’s original name Mumbai !
Nevertheless, on the eve of 75th year of “”Independence”” anniversary, let us officially declare ourselves as Bharat.
New Movie Topic: #ShortScriptForMovie
There is famous experiments done on monkeys in the cage,
watch this video to understand it first. then my further comments will make sense to you.
In ancient india, people were prosperous, they belive in scientific approaches to live life.. there were certain professions like brahmin, vaishya, chatriya and shudra. now everybody knows what the do. brahmin job was teaching, chatriya was warrior and shudra was doing clening and seva kind of jobs. now there was time of choice with hardwork.. when chudra’s children want to become either chatriya or brahim or vaishya.. as per their capability, if they deserver they could be in those times. so i ment there was no cast system. one person Manu observe this pattern of getting occupation and wrote one book called manusmriti.. there were many other facts were also wrote. now there is evidence of this system was established during Kind Bhartahari and kind vikramaditya, so everything was smooth as per explained process or system. then when after mugals when Angrez came to india they understood the power of pen is more powerful than the power of sward. they want to break the backbone of the indian culture. they send indians scripture to thier country and started learning from them used them for case study at the same time they misguided successfully the indian people about the superstition reated things and misgiuded to disbelif in their own culture. similarly they found the book manusmriti and they follwed the divide and conqure techniue to rule .. they changed the conept of manusmriti from profession to cast.. now brahin, vaishya etc becomes cast not the profession so the chudra lost the ladder and opportunity to have different occupation like brahmin or vaishya or chatriaya.. similary others lost the ladder.. angrez successfully build this culture of cast from profession and changed the manusmriti.. now many years passed .. brahmin has the ego of being the higher cast and being a guru of others while chatriya had started feeling the power and like wise.. now they started to summon the chudra.. and angrez provoke them all.. angrezs provoked chudra leaders as well. they successfully divided the poeple and concred them. those misundertanding is still alive.. but main crux comes now..
now a days actor son become actor, doctor son becomes doctor, politician children becomes the politician, if any normal person wants to become the actor or politician or businessman they can but they have to put extraordinary efforts to get established in that level or in that society.. this is the new manusmriti now.. it’s the current time manu smriti now.. but whats happening .. still
many people believs
chudra is doing now, they are alwyas calling brahin did the wrong things with them they dont talk about angrezs they dont talk about mugals they only talk about sawarn samaj did wrong things with their ancestors.. they want arakshan.. now they follow ambedkar.. now amedkar educations were sponsered by Vadoara king.. nobody knows this.. ambedkar was just the chiarman of constituition commitee but actual constituions was created by some south indian man.. nobody knows this facts.. amedkar definetly faced the challenges in his life to grow.. but he again misguided his followers by saying do not worship lord shiva as he is the penis and do not worship lord ganesha as he was the mail of skin of her mother.. without knowing the actula concept.. he just used his frustraion on swarn samaj and was never able to identify the actual flaw created by angrezes.. today again there is a mission of budhha and many other channels they are trying to make this atryachar wala topic living in their community.. and not foucsing on future but beliving in the reservation./.
Not possible to write all minute details but i hope you will the idea of your movie. and you are master in doing research of any topic.. so how human mind thinks.. and then ancient reality and then how angrez modified the history and scriptures and then whats today’;s youth thinks.. similar to kashmir files..
if you find this topic intersting please plan to create a film on this as well. i am open to help further if needed.
Kind regards,
Our country has always been “Bharat” and going to be. Many people address our motherland as Bharat. In my belief there was never a requirement of naming our country in Hindi and English separately. Any Nation should always be called or addressed by the name provided by the ancestors of that land regardless of the language and hard pronunciations. There is no requirement of modifying any word, term or syllables.
“BHARATA” is correct representation of this land : BHA means “Bhav” (sensesion of life), “RA” means “Rag” (Tune of life), “TA” means “Tal” (Rhythm of life).
I must be blessed to born on this land where there was Life on its fullest flurishment.. in terms of sensesion of every possible aspect of life in given tune to follow it’s rhythm….
We have best examples for that matter are Mahabharat & Ramayan.
I don’t need Satalite Map or Oxford map to address my country. It was always been and will be BHARAT only..
Yes. Bharat comes from bha – ra – ta. Bhava means sensation. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching are different types of sensations. Your whole experience of life is sensory right now. Or in other words, sensations are the basis of your experience. Bha means sensation, out of which emotion arises. Ra means raga or the tune. The tune is not yours – existence has already set it. Now you have to find the rhythm, which is the tala. If you find the right rhythm, you are a fantastic human being. If you miss the rhythm, you get crushed by the process of life.
We called this nation Bha-ra-ta, and one of the great kings of the past was Bharata. People say the country is named after him, but actually, he was named after the country. There are so many Bharats and Bharatis in this country – they are named after this nation. King Bharata had nine sons, but when the time to hand over the empire came, he gave it to Bhumanyu, who was the son of the sage Bharadwaj. This boy grew up in the forest. When he came to the court one day, the king looked at him and said, “This boy must become the king – not my sons.” People were shocked because the emperor’s sons, nine of them, were waiting in a queue – probably fighting with each other over who would become the king. People argued, “Who is he? He has grown up in the forest.” Bharata said, “I see an enormous intelligence in his eyes and a raging fire in his heart. He is able-bodied and stable. He should be the king.” This was the first demonstration of democracy in this nation, thousands of years ago. I hope we follow this example today.
I am engineer by education, had job, was earning and i never had language problem though i did schooling in Hindi medium. But since i get my consciousness i never found myself comfortable with today’s educational and corporate environment so i distanced myself from India in search of Bharat and when i returned in my home town i realized it was always there and still it exists,
yes, our country must be called by its original name i.e Bharat , let me give my name’ example –>
my name is Anuj, which means younger brother and i am the youngest among my sisters and brothers, so my name has a meaning, what if my elder brother was named Anuj, it makes no sense,
same way Bharat has a meaning which is Constantly in search of knowledge but India word has no meaning at all. We must have a meaningful name for our country to rejuvenate its real soul.
The vishnu puran states that the country that lies north of the ocean, and south of the snowy mountains is called Bharat, for there dwelt the descendants of Bharat.
1)But, if we enter the depth of this matter…We might want to take a look at our passports where it is clearly mentioned as Bharat Ganrajya or The Republic of India.
2)Also, the first article of the constitution of india clearly states “India that is Bharat”
3)We even refer to ourselves as Bharat in our national anthem
Therefore, we already are Bharat
But are we ?
India name is imposed by British Raj. About time, the original name BHARAT should be legally & officially implemented. Even in National Anthem ” Bharat Bhagya Vidhata.. ” is said. Even in every transport Truck in the back above license plate ” Mera Bharat Mahan ” is painted. I don’t even understand why Congress and all opposition parties (new name INDI Alliance) are opposing. Their only agenda is ” oppose everything that is ” suggested, implemented or changed by Modi & BJP.
India is not the right keyword to access all the knowledge for societies betterment. Bharat is the right keyword to access everything that will give a context for a better society.
India was never a sone ki chidiya, Bharat is always a sone ki chidiya, Today Japanese are more bharatiya then Bharatiya themselves.
Yes India must be called Bharat again. There must not be any doubts and confusion regarding this.
Please Notice the map of India shown here at this link :
It’s Bharat as per constitution.
Of course India should be called Bharat again. In literal sense Bharat earns its name from Bha which means light emitting or Prabha which means light. Bharat obviously is the one which gave light of Asia that is Buddha to the world. My motherland has entire right to be called Bharat vested in herself.
The name definitely has to be changed but should it be Bharath or Bharatham? Is Bharath the anglicised version of Bharatham?
Bhachpan se jab bhi humare desh ki baat suni hai hamesa usko Bharat ke naam se hi jana hai . aaj bhi hum bachoon ko jab apne desh ka parichay peheli baar dete hain tab bhi hum is desh ka naam Bharat hi batate hain. hain na ? Mujhe is baat ka garv hai ki itne kathin itihass ke bavajood aaj bhi hum apne desh ka naam nahi bhoole hain. Hum ko humare desh ko India nahi Bharat hi bulana chahiye taaki baaki duniya bhi hume “Bharatiya” bulake sambodhit kare.
aticle 1 of the constitution begins with India that is Bharath , so where is the controversy , we just need to stop fighting shy and cease to give up to some highbrow lutyens, urban naxal and mumbai PR agency types . lets go for it . w should use Bharath in all our conversations to begin with . if someone says India , we should interrupt and say . you mean Bharath?
Yes, we should start calling India Bharat. Once we hear the name everywhere it starts questioning the minds of our children and youth and there will be a discussion on why we should start using the word Bharat and it takes them back to the values upheld by this civilization. While I am with you on this, there are several burning issues in the country that need to be addressed on a war footing. The issue of lack of awareness of our history and culture among children and youth is a major problem and the only way to solve this problem is to correct the contents in the history books from elementary schools till universities. We badly need individuals with full awareness of wounds and scars of our past combined with most scientific thinking, excellent communication skills and finally sheer determination to stand for what is correct, like RSS. Such people can take Bharat to golden age.
Every name has a history. If that history represents the slavery, that should be thrashed and we should have original identity. “BHARAT” has a history which represents the true essence of our civilisation. There are many version for naming our nation “Bharat”, all the version glorifies our great civilisation, whereas “India” has only one version -the name given by some outsider to remind our slavery……i Strongly believe and fully support the original name of our nation-“Bharat”
प्रणाम! मैं सीधे निष्कर्ष नहीं ले सकता। लेकिन हमे दोनों शब्द के भाव की तुलना अवश्य करनी चाहिए। यह सच हैं कि पिछले कुछ दशको से हमारे देश को इंडिया नाम दिया गया हैं। कई लोग कहते हैं कि इसका नाम इंडस नदी के कारण पड़ा जो सिंधु नदी का अँग्रेजी नाम हैं। हमे यह समझने की आवश्यकता हैं कि सिंधु नदी को इंडस ही क्यूँ बोला गया? क्या यह दोनों के भावार्थ एक ही हैं? क्या सिंधु का मतलब भी इंडस ही होता हैं? ठीक उसी प्रकार हमे यह समझना होगा कि क्या भारत का भावार्थ इंडिया होता हैं? हमारी संस्कृति रही हैं कि किसी बालक का नामकरण बहुत से योग, धार्मिक परम्पराओ और समय की स्थिति अनुसार किया जाता रहा हैं। और यदि मैं अपनी विचार रखु तो मेरा मानना हैं कि नाम के अर्थ का प्रभाव मनुष्य के विचारो, संवेदनाओ, और आदतों पर कुछ हद तक पड़ता हैं। उदाहरण के लिए मेरा नाम पुनीत हैं जिसका अर्थ होता हैं शुभ मुहूर्त या यूं कहु जो दूसरों के लिए शुभ हो। जब तक मैंने अपने जीवन मे इस नाम का अर्थ नहीं जाना था तब की बात तो मैं नहीं बता सकता लेकिन जब इसका बोध हुआ उसके बाद मेरी आदतों मे काफी बदलाव आए। मैं यदि कभी कुछ गलत करता हु तो मेरा नाम मुझे एक बार जरूर यह आवाज देता हैं कि यह गलत हैं। और कई बार जब मैं कुछ ऐसे लोगो के पास कार्य करने जाता हूँ जिनके साथ कुछ अच्छा नहीं हो रहा होता हैं तो वहाँ मेरे जाने के बाद कई बार बेहतर परिणाम दिख जाते हैं। उस समय भी मुझे अपना नाम का प्रभाव कुछ हद तक दिखता हैं। हाँ मैं नहीं जनता कि यह क्या सभी के साथ होता हैं या सिर्फ मेरे साथ ही। लेकिन मुझे लगता हैं कि किसी का नाम ऐसा होना चाहिए जिसका भाव अच्छा हो या सच मे उसका कुछ मतलब हो। जहा तक मैं जनता हूँ भारत शब्द (भा)भाव यानि विचार, (रा) राग यानि प्रवाह और (ता) ताल यानि अपने विचार और मन के प्रवाह को नियंत्रित रूप से बजाने की क्रिया जो कई रूप मे हो सकती हैं; से मिलकर बना हैं। इसको यदि सारांश रूप मे समझे तो भारत यानि जहा आप अपने भाव को अपने तरीके से नियंत्रित करके स्वतंत्र रूप से प्रवाहित कर सकते हो उस जगह को कहा गया हैं। कितना अच्छा और पूर्ण भावार्थ हैं भारत शब्द का। यह हमारी परंपरा, सभ्यता, और विचारो के अनुरूप लगता हैं। एक जुड़ाव सा महसूस होता हैं भारत शब्द को सुनकर। क्या इंडिया भी हमे वही भाव देता हैं? यदि नहीं तो क्या भाव देता हैं? इंडस शब्द भी हमे उस भाव से नहीं जोड़ पाता जो सिंधु शब्द हमे दे पाता हैं। इंडिया शब्द को समझने के बाद ही हम किसी निष्कर्ष तक पहुँच पाएंगे। अभी तक जितना मुझे ज्ञान हैं, समझ हैं उसके अनुसार तो मुझे भारत शब्द से प्रेम हैं। इंडिया शब्द मुझपर बेगाना होने का बोध कराता हैं। आप सभी किस तरह इंडिया शब्द को देखते हैं अपने भाव जरूर बताएं। धन्यवाद।
I have slightest doubt in my mind that our country should be known as Bharat. In fact I had been propagating and insisting from last many years within my groups to say Jai Bharat and always say I’m Bhartiya while introducing to foreigners. I always do and then I need to explain but once done they really appreciate as well. In fact I always share any or every thing which make us proud of our glorious culture, heritage and history.
Hi Sir,
As per the constitution of India Article 1 “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.”, India is already called Bharat. But globally people still recognize us as Indians and not as Bhartiya. To make people aware that our countries ancient name is Bharat we need to start adding Bhartiya as our Nationality wherever possible whether it’s our Resume, Instagram, or Facebook bio, and also can file a PIL for adding nationality on the passports as Indian (Bhartiya).
Legally Our countries name is already Bharat but somewhere we are not using it to the best so that people from other countries start recognizing it.
Thank You.
bharat is right as the name is our own and how we knew ourselves . India is an imposition . but it may take some time and effort as many people are ashamed of belonging of this country because of its subjugation over a millennium, may be a case of transgenerational trauma. we need to understand that perception creates reality and then understand how we look at ourselves determines who we are and who we become. all thoughts are self reinforcing and hence we need a narrative that guides our thoughts in a beneficial stream. my tuppence worth with a couple of slogans are here:
1.Everyone says ,no one but us
Hindutva says everyone AND us
2.Sab kehte hai hum sabse ooncha
Hindu kehte hai hum sab ke saath ooncha
Yes, I favour it. Because India name is given after the fake independence. Bharat flavors our ancientness.
Sir definitely we have to call our country BHARAT even Discovery Channel in Hindi also called our country Bharat So why can’t say. Also sir I want to discuss about 1st Genocide of Bharat, I think this is the first Genocide of Bharat, this is 1921 Genocide in kerala’s Malabar area, Which is done by Mopla Muslims, I think you have also make a film on this Genocide. Maximum Bhartiya don’t know about this.
It’s not about should or should not.
It was required on 15th August 1947.
One of my American co-passenger while going to US, while we were discussing, told me that why it took so long to change name of Bombay to it’s original name Mumbai !
Nevertheless, on the eve of 75th year of “”Independence”” anniversary, let us officially declare ourselves as Bharat.
Yes, Definitely, firstly because we should have an identification of our country at an international level in out national language (Hindi).
why not?? if all other country are called by their own name and not name given by outsiders then why not india should be called as Bharath.
Yes – India should be named to Bharat. AND it should be declared a Hindu nation, in the sense of the freedom of living and thinking.
New Movie Topic: #ShortScriptForMovie
There is famous experiments done on monkeys in the cage,
watch this video to understand it first. then my further comments will make sense to you.
In ancient india, people were prosperous, they belive in scientific approaches to live life.. there were certain professions like brahmin, vaishya, chatriya and shudra. now everybody knows what the do. brahmin job was teaching, chatriya was warrior and shudra was doing clening and seva kind of jobs. now there was time of choice with hardwork.. when chudra’s children want to become either chatriya or brahim or vaishya.. as per their capability, if they deserver they could be in those times. so i ment there was no cast system. one person Manu observe this pattern of getting occupation and wrote one book called manusmriti.. there were many other facts were also wrote. now there is evidence of this system was established during Kind Bhartahari and kind vikramaditya, so everything was smooth as per explained process or system. then when after mugals when Angrez came to india they understood the power of pen is more powerful than the power of sward. they want to break the backbone of the indian culture. they send indians scripture to thier country and started learning from them used them for case study at the same time they misguided successfully the indian people about the superstition reated things and misgiuded to disbelif in their own culture. similarly they found the book manusmriti and they follwed the divide and conqure techniue to rule .. they changed the conept of manusmriti from profession to cast.. now brahin, vaishya etc becomes cast not the profession so the chudra lost the ladder and opportunity to have different occupation like brahmin or vaishya or chatriaya.. similary others lost the ladder.. angrez successfully build this culture of cast from profession and changed the manusmriti.. now many years passed .. brahmin has the ego of being the higher cast and being a guru of others while chatriya had started feeling the power and like wise.. now they started to summon the chudra.. and angrez provoke them all.. angrezs provoked chudra leaders as well. they successfully divided the poeple and concred them. those misundertanding is still alive.. but main crux comes now..
now a days actor son become actor, doctor son becomes doctor, politician children becomes the politician, if any normal person wants to become the actor or politician or businessman they can but they have to put extraordinary efforts to get established in that level or in that society.. this is the new manusmriti now.. it’s the current time manu smriti now.. but whats happening .. still
many people believs
chudra is doing now, they are alwyas calling brahin did the wrong things with them they dont talk about angrezs they dont talk about mugals they only talk about sawarn samaj did wrong things with their ancestors.. they want arakshan.. now they follow ambedkar.. now amedkar educations were sponsered by Vadoara king.. nobody knows this.. ambedkar was just the chiarman of constituition commitee but actual constituions was created by some south indian man.. nobody knows this facts.. amedkar definetly faced the challenges in his life to grow.. but he again misguided his followers by saying do not worship lord shiva as he is the penis and do not worship lord ganesha as he was the mail of skin of her mother.. without knowing the actula concept.. he just used his frustraion on swarn samaj and was never able to identify the actual flaw created by angrezes.. today again there is a mission of budhha and many other channels they are trying to make this atryachar wala topic living in their community.. and not foucsing on future but beliving in the reservation./.
Not possible to write all minute details but i hope you will the idea of your movie. and you are master in doing research of any topic.. so how human mind thinks.. and then ancient reality and then how angrez modified the history and scriptures and then whats today’;s youth thinks.. similar to kashmir files..
if you find this topic intersting please plan to create a film on this as well. i am open to help further if needed.
Kind regards,
Our country has always been “Bharat” and going to be. Many people address our motherland as Bharat. In my belief there was never a requirement of naming our country in Hindi and English separately. Any Nation should always be called or addressed by the name provided by the ancestors of that land regardless of the language and hard pronunciations. There is no requirement of modifying any word, term or syllables.
So yes! Bharat it is and always going to be…
“BHARATA” is correct representation of this land : BHA means “Bhav” (sensesion of life), “RA” means “Rag” (Tune of life), “TA” means “Tal” (Rhythm of life).
I must be blessed to born on this land where there was Life on its fullest flurishment.. in terms of sensesion of every possible aspect of life in given tune to follow it’s rhythm….
We have best examples for that matter are Mahabharat & Ramayan.
I don’t need Satalite Map or Oxford map to address my country. It was always been and will be BHARAT only..
Yes. Bharat comes from bha – ra – ta. Bhava means sensation. Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching are different types of sensations. Your whole experience of life is sensory right now. Or in other words, sensations are the basis of your experience. Bha means sensation, out of which emotion arises. Ra means raga or the tune. The tune is not yours – existence has already set it. Now you have to find the rhythm, which is the tala. If you find the right rhythm, you are a fantastic human being. If you miss the rhythm, you get crushed by the process of life.
We called this nation Bha-ra-ta, and one of the great kings of the past was Bharata. People say the country is named after him, but actually, he was named after the country. There are so many Bharats and Bharatis in this country – they are named after this nation. King Bharata had nine sons, but when the time to hand over the empire came, he gave it to Bhumanyu, who was the son of the sage Bharadwaj. This boy grew up in the forest. When he came to the court one day, the king looked at him and said, “This boy must become the king – not my sons.” People were shocked because the emperor’s sons, nine of them, were waiting in a queue – probably fighting with each other over who would become the king. People argued, “Who is he? He has grown up in the forest.” Bharata said, “I see an enormous intelligence in his eyes and a raging fire in his heart. He is able-bodied and stable. He should be the king.” This was the first demonstration of democracy in this nation, thousands of years ago. I hope we follow this example today.
I am engineer by education, had job, was earning and i never had language problem though i did schooling in Hindi medium. But since i get my consciousness i never found myself comfortable with today’s educational and corporate environment so i distanced myself from India in search of Bharat and when i returned in my home town i realized it was always there and still it exists,
yes, our country must be called by its original name i.e Bharat , let me give my name’ example –>
my name is Anuj, which means younger brother and i am the youngest among my sisters and brothers, so my name has a meaning, what if my elder brother was named Anuj, it makes no sense,
same way Bharat has a meaning which is Constantly in search of knowledge but India word has no meaning at all. We must have a meaningful name for our country to rejuvenate its real soul.
Thank you
The vishnu puran states that the country that lies north of the ocean, and south of the snowy mountains is called Bharat, for there dwelt the descendants of Bharat.
1)But, if we enter the depth of this matter…We might want to take a look at our passports where it is clearly mentioned as Bharat Ganrajya or The Republic of India.
2)Also, the first article of the constitution of india clearly states “India that is Bharat”
3)We even refer to ourselves as Bharat in our national anthem
Therefore, we already are Bharat
But are we ?
India name is imposed by British Raj. About time, the original name BHARAT should be legally & officially implemented. Even in National Anthem ” Bharat Bhagya Vidhata.. ” is said. Even in every transport Truck in the back above license plate ” Mera Bharat Mahan ” is painted. I don’t even understand why Congress and all opposition parties (new name INDI Alliance) are opposing. Their only agenda is ” oppose everything that is ” suggested, implemented or changed by Modi & BJP.
India is not the right keyword to access all the knowledge for societies betterment. Bharat is the right keyword to access everything that will give a context for a better society.
India was never a sone ki chidiya, Bharat is always a sone ki chidiya, Today Japanese are more bharatiya then Bharatiya themselves.
Yes, because we should be identified by our own name rather than the name given to us by others