Devil Inside Milk Diwali – By Kabir Jat


by Kabir Jat

Diwali is around the corner and it’s time for the confectioneries to fulfil the needs of the consumers, and of course make money for themselves as well.

Diwali is celebrated widely over subcontinent, we celebrate it as a festival of light, we consume a lot of sweets and other dairy products simultaneously, but have you ever wondered if these products are healthy or not? 

Recently, an animal welfare board report revealed that 68.7% of milk production along with milk by-products was found to be laced with polluting ingredients like paint, urea, soda, oil and so on. This Adulteration increased in Rampant way in festivals. 

Since a very long time we have been consuming milk as a good source of health on daily basis, but by the change of time, the dairy industry has grown so fast on very large scale, and in cities we can’t differentiate milk whether it is Adulterated or not.

Many dairy farmers use oxytocin daily, although its harmful effects have not been revealed yet, but in future it is a topic of research because according to recent advisory issued by WHO says; if adulteration isn’t put to stop a large chunk of India’s population would be suffering from serious and fatal disease like cancer by the end of 2025.  Last question arises, then how one can be safe from these types of fatal frauds which are going on? The answer is clear, buy milk from your local dairy man whom you can endorse as much as possible. Do not purchase or eat sweets from street shops especially in festivals. If possible, make your own sweets at your home and share it with others who can’t make it. 

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