Vivek Agnihotri promotes domestic tourism. Visits Western Ghats. A glimpse into his minivacation.


Vivek Agnihotri promotes domestic tourism. Recommends to visit Western Ghats as it is least crowded, heavenly drive, cooler, hardly costs anything and it is most beautiful in monsoon. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the eight “hottest hot-spots” of biological diversity in the world.

Yesterday, in his Independence Day speech, Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, addressed the nation presenting a road-map for next five years. He appealed to increase the domestic tourism saying: “I know people travel abroad for holidays but can we think of visiting at least 15 tourist destinations across India before 2022, when we mark 75 years of freedom.”

He insisted on visiting tourist spots with lack of infrastructure, as increased visits can boost the tourism and automatically lead to better facilities at such destinations. He added; “There is a huge scope to improve our tourism sector.”

Vivek Agnihotri on the very next day, have posted some beautiful pictures and visuals portraying the scenery of the Western Ghats. Western Ghats are known as ‘The Great Escarpment of India’ and engulf a large proportion of the country’s flora and fauna, many of which are only found in India and nowhere else in the world.

According to UNESCO, the Western Ghats are older than the Himalayas. They influence Indian monsoon weather patterns by intercepting the rain-laden monsoon winds. At least 325 globally threatened species occur in the here.

“Our @PMOIndia @narendramodi has appealed to see 15 places before 75th Independence Day. I’d recommend, don’t wait, start now with most beautiful #WesternGhats. Least crowded, heavenly drive, cooler and hardly costs anything. Most beautiful in monsoon.”- says Vivek by posting someheart throbbing pictures and visuals from his trip to the Western Ghats.

“Nature surprises with so many moods of beauty. Western Ghats are so beautiful during monsoon. Out of this world. Its beauty can’t be captured by any camera. A real country side. #WesternGhat”-some captions from his thread trending on social media.

Vivek Agnihotri has started his expedition to visit at least 15 destinations before our 75th Independence Day. What about you?

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