Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” v/s Juggernauts: “Avengers: Endgame”; “Kalank” and “SOTY2”

  The Tashkent Files
IMDb ratings 8.5/10
Google Reviews 94%
Bookmyshow 90%
Rotten Tomatoes 95%

SOTY2 Avengers: Endgame Kalank
2.4/10 8.8/10 3.6/10
45% 96% 53%
65% 92% 53%
13% 95% 40%

Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” unravel heart-throbbing, mind-boggling mysteries on former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri’s mysterious death in Tashkent. Winning hearts of this thriller creates a horripilation, leaving them teary-eyed.

Surviving the onslaughts of Gigantic Thanos like: “Avengers: Endgame”; “Kalank” and “SOTY2”; “The Tashkent Files” proves to be “The People’s Film”! Despite of extremely limited screens, that reduced to 170 on fifth weekend, the film rakes 15.35 crore at Box Office.Commencing #TheRightToTruth movement with a political awakening, this amazingly intellectual film, brainstorms the audience and victors over mindless comedy, hype marketing and gibberish story linings. The film accurately and authentically represents the real values of honest journalism, Judiciary, Democracy and Politics in India.

#TheRightToTruth is in the DNA of India. Discover your #RightToTruth with Vivek Agnihotri’s “The Tashkent Files” streaming in theaters near you.

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