18 Books that can help become #IAmBuddha


It is said, “Books are the best friends of humans”; “A reader lives thousand years before he dies”; “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary” – etc many quotes are prevailing which shows the importance of reading but today I want to share my thoughts on what to read. There are many genres to choose from i.e. inspirational, motivational, literature, biographies, fictions, auto-biographies, science based, satire, drama, novels, self help, etc and many more.

In our life span we perform many roles i.e. student, teacher, research scholar, entrepreneur, advisor, coach-consultant, service provider (i.e. CA, lawyer, insurance advisor, trading advisor, etc and so on), etc so on each stage we need different kind of knowledge. Here, I would like to share some of the most needed books one cannot afford to miss reading.

The Monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin Sharma Wings of fire – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Who moved my cheese?  – Dr. Spencer Johnson 11 Commandments of Life Maximization – Santosh Nair
Urban Naxals – Vivek Agnihotri Unposted letter – Mahatria Ra
Corporate Chanakya – Radhakrishnan Pillai Most & More – Mahatria Ra
Me Idli and Orchid – Vithal Kamat Clarity is power – Mahatria Ra
One minute manager – Kenneth Blanchard & Dr. Spencer Johnson Spring of inspiration – Dr. Jeetendra Adhia
Eat that frog – Brain Tracy Men search for meaning – Dr. Victor Frankl
Jivan ek khel – Kundanika Kapadiya The Professional – Subroto Bagchi
Rich dad poor dad – Robert Kiyosaki High Performance Entrepreneur – Subroto Bagchi


Spare some time from your busy schedule – read above books, analyze & introspect, try to internalize their preaching; it is said that पढ़ेगा इंडिया तभी तो बढ़ेगा इंडिया

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